Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are another insect that feeds on human blood. They are small, oval, and brownish in color. After they feed their bodies swell with blood and they turn a reddish color. Bed bugs are usually active at night. They are attracted to the carbon monoxide you breathe. The bites from bed bugs can cause a number of nasty ailments, from skin rashes to allergic reactions. The bites frequently lead to areas of redness to prominent blisters. It is time for you to sleep in peace.


Signs of a bed bug problem in your home.


  • Waking up with bloody skin bites and itchy patches of skin on your body.
  • Bed bug excrement on sheets and mattresses, clothes and walls.
  • Bloodstains on your sheets and pillowcases.


While cleaning infested areas might help in the short term. The only way to get rid of these nasty bugs is with a chemical treatment from a professional.


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